
primary school was amazing, was popular got on with everyone. had good family life. i was smart always had high grades, except for irish i can't explain how i can be good at most other subjects now in secondary its the same i do spanish now aswell and its horrible i've never been like it i feel like a stupid idiot all the time. school is difficult, iam very sick so miss alot of school therefor i miss out on hanging with my friends and lost them all it really sucked! also the seperation of my parents broke me in lots of peices. its been so hard to put myself back together. my dad left and i resented everything like iam a daddys girl how am i ment to live without him? and apperently i cant live with him its so hard for me. my mother, my brother and i never got along like my brother spread stupid rumours about me to make himself more popular and i'd tell my mam iam sick and she'd like laugh it off, like i was messing, like why did she not believe me? it got so hard for me and moving on now, thankfully iam getting better. but out of all the hurt that i've gone through the only person i thought i could trust my my friend but even though i have all my friends back i've lost her which makes me feel like shit but she doesnt care. i guess it will be fine i'll move on i have everyone else now.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


6months of my life, then you leave.
i honestly didnt know if i loved you but the second you left me, i broke down. its just over a month now and i cant even think about you without shedding a tear. you were my best friend my life, when you left me you promised we would still be mates but no. do you know what you said to me.. 'why would i want to be with you, when i could be with the lads getting high'. sound! iam now just numb, baby i miss you so much. though your being a douche i get back with you in a heart beat. i can only be myself around you, i am now almost a zombie.
i love you and always will (L)