
primary school was amazing, was popular got on with everyone. had good family life. i was smart always had high grades, except for irish i can't explain how i can be good at most other subjects now in secondary its the same i do spanish now aswell and its horrible i've never been like it i feel like a stupid idiot all the time. school is difficult, iam very sick so miss alot of school therefor i miss out on hanging with my friends and lost them all it really sucked! also the seperation of my parents broke me in lots of peices. its been so hard to put myself back together. my dad left and i resented everything like iam a daddys girl how am i ment to live without him? and apperently i cant live with him its so hard for me. my mother, my brother and i never got along like my brother spread stupid rumours about me to make himself more popular and i'd tell my mam iam sick and she'd like laugh it off, like i was messing, like why did she not believe me? it got so hard for me and moving on now, thankfully iam getting better. but out of all the hurt that i've gone through the only person i thought i could trust my my friend but even though i have all my friends back i've lost her which makes me feel like shit but she doesnt care. i guess it will be fine i'll move on i have everyone else now.

Monday, May 3, 2010


In October last year i tried out for the first ever irish cheerleadind squad, which i didnt think i would actually get on since i was so stupid to go to the tryouts hungover. i didnt want to endanger myself by doing stunts but i was lucky enough to impredd them with my dancing. After making the squad i'd attend practice every sunday for three hours and sometimes longer untill worlds, which took place in florida disneyland on the 20th of april 2010. Training was difficult pain sweat and tears litterally! because i am just under 5 foot i was a flyer. this included big strong boys thrown me high in the air while i twist flip straddle and many more hard stunts. During one practice i broke a girls nose just because my leg was not tight enough coming down. Many people quit because they could not take the pressure or afford it but i stuck to it because this was a once in a lifetime oppatunity. i had never been any where in america and had only been out of ireland once without either of my parents for three days. Florida was 8 days of freedom which i needed form all the craziness of the past year. but no stupid freak volcano decides to erupt the day before our flight was due to go and causes all flights to be CANCELLED. no refunds no other flights available later. But to my surprise late that night got a message saying were going. Then i wake up i get dressed and am ready to go. then of course i get a text say that stupid volcano that no one knows the name of erupts again soo NO america for us.
Our coach tried to make it up to us by bringing us to trobolgin in cork for the weekend but it was nothing compared to what florida would have been. We gave cheerleading in ireland publicity and now we get told we all have to tryout again next year with no promises we'll get on with thousands of other hopefuls compared to about 200 last year. FML


Well its been about three months since I wrote on my blog. the last time i wrote i was telling you about how hard it is for me watching my parents separate but i guess i am getting use to it! i spend most of my time with my dad now which is really fun. i get to see my friends nearly everyday but at the moment iam grounded for lying about being drunk, so have to live without them for a week. iam getting very close my dads girlfriend Heather! she's great. i think she's nearly crazier then me :O ( and thats very had).
My mom got me a puppy, his names Ozzie and he's a cross between a collie and a lag. Since getting my little babyi have realised how hard it is mind another living thing. i feel for my mam and now know how she can be so protective.
My dad and heather own a dog a two cats. the cats were not happy when ozzie arrived but Jack loved his new friend. My cats in my moms Lexie and Romeo do not like there new brother and have gone missing just to get away from him. im hoping things will be better between them all.